Introducing Myself....

March 10, 2009

"Diva is a female version of a hustler." - Beyonce'

If you didn't know name is Kathryn. Kat to those who know me best. I am a 25 year old woman still trying to make my foray into "the real world." I have been a student for the last 20 years of my life. I was really looking forward to being done with school altogether.....until i graduated from law school into the worst economy known to man. (So I really don't know if it is the worst....but roll with me on this one.) So now I am searching high and low for a job and paitiently waiting the results of the bar exam.

Since I have all of this "free" time on my hands for the next month, I decided to focus all of my musings and rants into this blog. This is not my first experience with this....I blogged for about 4 years through undergrad. I let it go shortly after beginning law school.....which turned out to be a mistake because all of that extra frustration needed to go somewhere.

Why the title "Thoughts of a Southern l.e.g.a.l. Diva?" Well, Thoughts of a Southern Diva was the name of my last blog. My thoughts are...if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I added "legal" for shits and giggles. So relax and enjoy....
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